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Pisa's Field of Miracles (Piazza dei Miracoli)

Situated on a golf course-like green lawn and surrounded by a formidable wall, the Piazza dei Miracoli is another of Italy's 51 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. So well preserved and clean, the entire area feels unreal - like a leftover movie set that people can visit.


In town for only a few hours, we had time to visit the Baptistery, Duomo and the iconic Leaning Tower. The Piazza dei Miracoli also features a cemetery that is considered by some to be the most beautiful cemetery in the world. The Duomo is a medieval cathedral that was started in 1063 and finished sometime in the 13th century. The tower began leaning soon after the start of its construction in 1173. In 1990, the tower was closed to the public and a stabilization effort was undertaken to preserve its current lean and prevent further leaning or complete collapse. The tower was reopened in 2001 and the public can now purchase timed tickets to climb to the top. The Baptistery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist and is the largest baptistery in Italy. Construction began in 1152 and was not completed until 1363. The acoustics inside the Baptistery are so good, that a single note sung will echo through the interior for an extended period of time. At regular intervals, the guards will close the doors and demonstrate this magical effect for those lucky enough to be inside at the right time.


  • Go into the Baptistery to hear the acoustics

  • Walk through the Duomo

  • Schedule your visit to have enough time to climb the tower

  • Take a photo of you or your friends/family members holding up the leaning tower (a little corny, yes, but you gotta do it!)

Lesson #7: 

Peperoni pizza is not the same as pepperoni pizza

When you order a peperoni pizza in Italy, you’ll get one with lots of bell peppers on it. Not what you might expect! If you want a pizza with similar meat to pepperoni, then order something with the word “salame” in it.

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